Meet Jacqueline Clarke, our Hedgehog Hero for October! Jacqueline is a hedgehog superstar and does everything in her power to spread the word about our elusive spiky friends. As well as spreading awareness, Jacqueline also runs a hedgehog hotel, where she and her team of volunteers care for poorly hedgehogs. We spoke to Jacqueline to find out a little bit more. 

How did you first become interested in hedgehogs?

I have always had an interest in wildlife and I want to pass this down to my toddler. We’ve made our garden hedgehog friendly by adding nesting boxes and feeding stations. A few years ago, a friend found a 150 gram hedgehog that was struggling and she didn’t know what to do. I reached out to a local hedgehog advocate, Dave Lunn, for advice. He kindly offered to mentor me and taught me everything he knew. He advised me to do the Vale wildlife course and my rescue started from there.  

What do you think is the best thing about hedgehogs?

In my opinion, the best thing about hedgehogs is that they are the gardener’s best friend. They help keep our gardens pest free when we allow them to have access and ingress. They’re elusive little creatures and this adds to their mystery and general cuteness. 

What can we all do to promote hedgehog welfare?

Education is the key. I believe the younger generation have an important role to play and the more we can educate the public, the better. I use lots of different methods to educate people on my Facebook rescue page. I do talks, entirely free of charge, at primary/secondary schools/colleges in the local community. My aim is to help people to become more involved in helping hedgehogs in their gardens by offering supplementary food and water. 

What is your process when it comes to caring for hedgehogs?

My process is as follows: hedgehogs are triaged by specifically trained ‘accident and emergency’ nurses, who give the first assessment. From there the hedgehogs will either go to my ICU, nursery nurses or creche facilities. We then screen samples for parasites and offer treatment accordingly. Once the hedgehog has fully recovered, they move into one of my ten creche facilities. Then, when the initial target weight has been reached they then go to foster care until they reach the weight desired to be ready for release.  

Do you do any fundraising to raise money for hedgehogs?

I’m lucky to have some wonderful volunteers and followers of the rescue, who all work hard to raise funds including sponsoring and just giving etc. We’ve had some very generous donations from people who kindly donate the proceeds from auctioning personal items. Rescuers often stay involved for many years after they deliver a sick hog into my care and regularly donate. 

Do you have any other plans for hedgehog welfare on the horizon?

My future plans for hedgehog welfare involve continuing to do regular talks in the local community. I’ve written many articles that are published in all the local newspapers and I’m heavily involved with radio and social media platforms. I have over 100 foster carers who are specifically mentored and trained for free and all I ask is each mentor passes the knowledge onto someone else. Paying it forward is our way forward! 

What do you think the future looks like for hedgehogs?

Sadly, the future isn’t looking good at the moment but we can improve the outlook if we take action. Hedgehogs were recently moved on to the red list that is vulnerable to extinction in the UK. It’s critical that we do all we can to help because it would be a shame to lose them. That’s why educating the younger generation is the key. They’re our oldest living mammal and have been on the planet since prehistoric times. Many palaeontologists argue that they’ve been here between 25-27 million years from fossils found across the world. We must do everything we can to ensure their survival.  

Thank you Jacqueline for all the amazing work you do! You can find the link to her rescue here. Think you have what it takes to be a Hedgehog Hero? Or do you know someone that is currently making a difference? Connect with us on social media and send us your nominations!

We are delighted to announce that our Hedgehog Hero for September is Dave Lunn. Dave takes in hundreds of hedgehogs a year, helping those that are injured or ill before releasing them back into the wild. We spoke to Dave to find out more about where his love of hedgehogs stems from and how we can all make a difference when it comes to protecting the nation’s hogs. 

How did you first become interested in hedgehogs?

I have always been fond of hedgehogs. My house is full of animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and more and I try to promote animal welfare. I started rescuing hedgehogs a few years ago; there’s so much more to it than just cleaning and feeding them.

What do you think is the best thing about hedgehogs?

They’re cute and full of character but they’re also quintessentially British! I know they exist in other countries but they’re on our christmas cards and our tv ads. When you think of British wildlife, hedgehogs are often one of the first animals that spring to mind.

What can we all do to promote hedgehog welfare?

We need to spread awareness about the decline of the species, as they are vulnerable to extinction. Social media is massive and luckily, hedgehog awareness is now starting to spread in Britain. Celebrities like Sir Brian May do what they can to champion hedgehogs and we need to keep pushing their plight as much as we can. 

What is your process when it comes to caring for hedgehogs?

When a hedgehog first arrives at the rescue, I do a visual check for problems like bleeding, ticks, maggots, fly eggs and dehydration. If the hedgehog is dehydrated, I administer fluids. Once the hedgehog defecates, I examine the faeces under a microscope to check for any parasites. I also weigh them and make a note of this so I can track their progress over time. One thing I always do as well is name them! (although I have a strict ‘no sonic’ policy).

My goal is always to cure any illness or injury, help the hedgehog get nice and fat and then release it back into the wild. 

Do you do any fundraising to raise money for hedgehogs?

Hedgehog rescues are expensive to run so fundraising is a necessity. We constantly have to replenish our supply of incubators, microscopes, food, bedding and cleaning materials so we need all the help we can get. I have a few amazing supporters that make soft toys, garden signs and cards for hogs they’ve taken a shine to.

Do you have any other plans for hedgehog welfare on the horizon?

Unfortunately, there’s not enough hours in the day to do everything I’d like to do for hedgehogs. I’m just going to try and do my best for hedgehog welfare with the resources I have. 

What do you think the future looks like for hedgehogs?

The future of the UK hedgehog population is very bleak I’m afraid. This is due to the destruction of their natural habitats, as well as our increased use of garden chemicals. During the first lockdown we saw wildlife thrive in the UK, which further demonstrates the negative impact humans can have on our ecosystems. 

We need to continue to encourage our government to intervene, ensuring hedgehog rescue centres are protected and hedgehog welfare is a priority. 

Thank you Dave for the amazing work you do! You can connect with Dave via Facebook.

Want to hear all about our Hedgehog Hero for August? Keep reading! We spoke to August’s pick, Jannine Coleman, to find out all about the amazing work she does promoting hedgehog welfare. Jannine volunteers at Karen’s Hogspital in Brandon, Suffolk and moves mountains to raise as much money as she can for them. 

How did you first become interested in hedgehogs?

I’ve always loved hedgehogs, ever since I was a child. Mrs Tiggywinkle was my favourite Peter Rabbit character so it’s safe to say they’ve always had a place in my heart. I was lucky enough to have hedgehogs in my garden from an early age and have always loved feeding them and seeing what they get up to! They’re just the most adorable creatures and need to be protected at all costs.

What can we all do to promote hedgehog welfare?

Hedgehog welfare is something we are all passionate about at the Hogspital and Karen works tirelessly for the gorgeous little creatures; feeding every hour 24 hours a day takes dedication that’s for sure! We can all make a difference just by leaving out food and fresh water. It is always worth creating a hedgehog highway in your garden and even investing in (or making, if you’re that way inclined) a hedgehog house

What is your process when it comes to caring for hedgehogs?

Karen at the rescue does the wonderful job of caring for the hedgehogs. It is important to remember that hedgehogs are wild animals and you shouldn’t interfere with them unless you’ve had the appropriate training. I do what I can by raising funds for the rescue to ensure the hogs have everything they need to stay fit and healthy.

What sort of fundraising do you do to raise money for hedgehogs?

We have a team of wonderful crafters who make knitted, crocheted and other hand crafted items for us to sell at local craft fairs and events. We also recently attended a local fete, which was very successful in both monetary terms and in spreading the word about hedgehog welfare. All the funds we raise are donated to Karen’s Hogspital. 

Do you have any plans for hedgehog welfare on the horizon?

We have a few things coming up so watch this space! I really enjoy doing my part for hedgehogs so I’ll continue to spread awareness about them and raise funds to support them wherever possible. 

What do you think the future looks like for hedgehogs?

The future looks bleak for the native hedgehog which is so very sad. As a nation, we should be pushing the government to do more to protect natural habitats, curb the use of pesticides and include hedgehog highways in the building plans for EVERY new build home. We have a long way to go which is why it’s so important for people to get involved. 


Thank you Jannine for the amazing work you do and for always putting hedgehogs first! Do you have a passion for hedgehogs? If you constantly strive to promote hedgehog welfare, or know someone that does, connect with us on social media for a chance to be named our next hedgehog hero!


Meet Alice Fearn, our Hedgehog Hero for July! Alice is fourteen and is living proof that the younger generation can make a big impact when it comes to promoting hedgehog welfare! Read on to find out all about the amazing things Alice does and why she is the perfect candidate for our Hedgehog Heroes series. 

How did you first become interested in hedgehogs?

I first became interested in hedgehogs back in July 2017. We had just moved to the Lincolnshire Wolds and one day, I saw a hedgehog sitting in a field near my new house. I couldn’t believe it and neither could my family! We’d never seen a hedgehog before so it was a thrill to spot one for the first time. 

My brother made a hedgehog house out of a wine crate and I went to go pick up some hedgehog food. I tried a few brands but the neighbourhood hogs never seemed overly keen, until I brought home some Spike’s hedgehog food. Since then, we have had hedgehog visitors nearly everyday and they can’t seem to get enough of Spike’s. 

What do you think is the best thing about hedgehogs?

It’s hard to pick a favourite as there are so many things I love about hedgehogs! If I had to choose one thing, it would be how loud they are for such a small animal. Over the years, I’ve learnt to tell the difference between the noises hedgehogs make; they make sniffing sounds when they’re looking for food, huff and puff during mating season and the sound of rustling bushes lets me know they’re foraging. When I hear that distinctive crunching noise, I know they’re chowing down on some Spike’s! In my experience, hedgehogs seem to love semi-moist food and never say no to a bit of insect crumble as a treat. Hedgehogs rely on their sense of smell, which is perhaps why a slightly more moist food is irresistible to them. 

What can we all do to promote hedgehog welfare?

Nowadays, I think the best platform for promoting hedgehog welfare is social media. Instagram in particular is great for making younger generations aware of hedgehogs and educating them on what they can do to help the nation’s hogs. You can share posts easily and expand your reach, ensuring the right messages get across! People are really into video content at the moment and I believe this is a great way to spark people’s interest in hedgehog preservation. 

How did you first get involved with making Youtube videos?

I saw lots of people making videos on other subjects, such as cooking, makeup tutorials, etc, but I couldn’t find many videos about helping hedgehogs. A few years ago, I would have really appreciated more video content around how to attract/protect hedgehogs! So, I decided to just start making them myself in order to help others. Videos are great as visual content is much easier to understand and is also more likely to engage people. 

What is your process when it comes to making videos?

I like to address the questions I get from my followers. I also try to make videos that address questions nobody else on the platform is answering. Research is important, so I spend lots of time gathering information from different websites and if there’s something I’m not sure of, I get in touch with my local rescue centre. Occasionally, I will create videos that focus on a personal experience I’ve had caring for local hedgehogs. 

Do you have any other plans for hedgehog welfare on the horizon?

I would like to continue to highlight current issues hedgehogs are facing. The species is well on its way to becoming extinct and there is more we can all do to help stop this from happening. One big thing that I’m going to cover in a video soon is the importance of hedgehog highways and how people can get involved. I hope to gain more followers and subscribers along the way!

What do you think the future looks like for hedgehogs?

Fortunately, there is a growing interest around hedgehogs, thanks to campaigns and social media accounts that are helping spread the word about small changes we can make to help our local hogs. Simple things such as leaving a shallow dish of food and water can make all the difference! I think the more the younger generations take an interest in hedgehogs, the better the future will look for the species.

Alice’s mum, Tracey, is especially proud of her daughter and her commitment to the cause:

“Alice is passionate about hedgehogs, she enjoys letting me know all about them and showing me her social media. If I can’t find her in the house late at night I know where she will be (outside observing the hedgehogs)!”

Thank you Alice for all the amazing work you’re doing on behalf of UK hedgehogs! Subscribe to Alice’s Youtube channel ‘This Alice!’ and follow her on instagram @hedgehoglifeandmore.

We are delighted to name Charlotte Smith, who runs Hog House Rescue in Leeds, the Hedgehog Hero for June! Charlotte does some amazing work in her local area, rescuing and caring for poorly hogs. Read all about her day-to-day activities and what we can all do to protect and help save the hedgehogs.

How did you first become interested in hedgehogs?

I have always been interested in hedgehogs, even when I was a child. When I was younger, I once found one in the street that had sadly died; my best friend and I sat and waited until someone came to collect it and we were very upset that we couldn’t do more to help. I just love how cute they are and their sweet little faces. 

What do you think is the best thing about hedgehogs?

I think the best thing about hedgehogs is their ability to ball up tight to defend themselves and the way they can flatten themselves to get under gaps. They really are amazing creatures! 

What can we all do to promote hedgehog welfare?

We all need to do more to make our gardens more hedgehog friendly. Introducing a ‘hedgehog highway’ and a feeding station gives them an access point and readily available sustenance. We also need to reduce our reliance on pesticides when gardening as many of these chemicals are dangerous to hedgehogs. If we made these small changes I believe they would thrive so much more. 

How did you first get involved with the rescue centre? 

I first became interested in having my own rescue when I was on my way to my sister’s one day. I saw a hedgehog in the middle of the road in the hot sunshine and I knew immediately that it wasn’t okay. I took it to the vets, who checked it over, and then allowed it to live in our garden in a hedgehog house. The hedgehog continued to live in our garden until it unfortunately passed away. That experience really spurred me on to help as many hedgehogs as I could. 

What does a typical day look like at the rescue centre?

On a typical day, I get up and make sure all the hedgehogs are okay and that they’ve all eaten through the night. I then clean out every box and give them all fresh food and water. If any are on medication, I administer this, then they all go to sleep. While they’re dozing, I check all the resources and medication and order more as and when needed. Then the rest of the day is dedicated to answering calls and going out to rescue other hedgehogs! 

Do you do any fundraising to raise money for hedgehogs?

I usually set up fundraisers on Facebook to help raise money. I also have some very kind people that regularly donate to the rescue; it really is amazing as without their support we likely wouldn’t be able to carry on. 

Do you have any other plans for hedgehog welfare on the horizon?

I’m trying to spread the word on how to make your garden hedgehog friendly and give people advice on the best food to feed hedgehogs. It’s also my number one mission to educate people that if they see a hog out during the day, they need to get it help ASAP. It’s worth noting that hedgehogs are wild animals so your best bet is to call a local rescue centre or the RSPCA

What do you think the future looks like for hedgehogs?

If people don’t help them and make their gardens more hedgehog friendly, we will likely lose the species completely. Ultimately, we don’t want that to happen so we need to do everything in our power to protect them. 

If you know someone who you think has what it takes to be named a Spike’s Hedgehog Hero, connect with us on social and tell us about your nomination! 

Sometimes, in order to do your bit to make a difference in the world, you need to get creative. That is exactly what Victoria Harwood did and we are delighted to name her as our Hedgehog Hero for February 2021! Victoria (AKA the ‘Hedgehog Lady’), wrote and illustrated the children’s book Bush-Hog Tails and donates all the profits to wildlife charities. We talked to her about her creative process and what actually goes into bringing a children’s book to life!

How did you first become interested in hedgehogs?

I’ve always been a huge animal lover but my real interest in hedgehogs came with writing my first book. I was lucky enough to meet quite a few hedgehogs and learn all about them. It wasn’t long before I found out about their worrying decline and I sought to raise as much awareness about them as I possibly could.

What inspired Bush-Hog Tails?

I had always dreamed of writing a book, ever since primary school. When my boys had grown up I decided to pursue my dream and combine my love for animals, storytelling and drawing into the biggest hobby I’ve ever had! I emailed The Snowman illustrator, Raymond Briggs, who kindly offered a little advice about illustrating books. With the help and support of my amazing family, I was able to make my dream of writing and illustrating a children’s book a reality! I wanted to help as many animals as I could whilst also putting a smile on people’s faces. We have a little wooden hedgehog (who is quite old now) that we named Bushy, long before Bush-Hog Tails was devised. I kept making up mini stories about him and one day the idea of Bush-Hog Tails just came to me.

Have you always been interested in writing/illustration?

I’ve always loved writing and drawing. I wrote my first story about a witch when I was 7 and my teacher was so impressed that I ended up winning an award for my class! When I had my children I’d write short stories for them and draw their favourite characters from Mr Men, Pokemon and Disney. I also painted their favourite characters on their bedroom walls. 

How long did it take you to complete the book?

My first book took me two years because it was something quite new. Since then I have written another two books in the Bush-Hog series, each of which took me about a year. My fiancé, Simon, scans all of my illustrations, removes any unwanted smudges (as I use charcoal to draw) and then converts the stories to PDF so they can be sent to the printers. Part of my process is also researching wildlife rescue centres that we can support and donate to. All the profits of my work goes to wildlife charities.

What advice would you give those looking to write a children’s book?

Be patient with yourself! If you are determined enough then you can do it. When I write, I will often make quite a few changes before I’m happy with the final manuscript. I don’t like repeating words so I try to think of different ways that I can describe something. I also try to add humour as well as facts to make the stories fun and educational. You should always work somewhere where you aren’t likely to be distracted as disruptions can cause you to lose your flow and impact your concentration levels. Most importantly- don’t give up! If it’s something that you really want to do it might take a few attempts but it can be done. 

What charities do you donate the profits to?

So far we have helped large animal charities, as well as smaller independent establishments, including my personal favourites: Lincolnshire Wildlife Park and Warwickshire Wildlife Sanctuary. We have also donated copies of my book to an English teaching school in Kuwait, Rainbows Hospice and several establishments that look after poorly children. We even donated some copies to Blackpool Zoo to help with their conservation funds!

How does it feel being known as the ‘hedgehog lady’?

It’s pretty cool! It makes me smile quite a lot!

Have you got any ideas for any future works?

Oh yes! I have a huge imagination and I’m always thinking of new things to write about. I am actually working on another book which isn’t hedgehog related. It still needs a bit of work but once it has been completed and processed into book format, all profits will be donated to wildlife charities, just like my previous books. 

What advice would you give those looking to help hedgehogs?

Research as much as you can so that you can provide the correct care. Remember that hedgehogs can’t drink milk- they are lactose intolerant so a fresh bowl of water and some Spike’s food in a shallow dish is the best thing you can provide for them. They can also eat meaty cat food but it’s worth noting that if you leave out cat food you might also attract cats! You can also create a hedgehog highway where you make a hedgehog sized hole in your fence or gate, which allows the hedgehogs to wander freely. Just make sure you check with your neighbours before cutting any holes!


Victoria Harwood has raised almost £3,000 for wildlife charities through her work, despite also working full-time in a specialised Dementia unit. She gave up chocolate for a whole month last year to raise money for Lincolnshire Wildlife Park and despite the pandemic, she is still doing everything she can to make a difference. Thank you Victoria, we salute you! 

At Spike’s we are constantly amazed at the great lengths our followers will go to in order to make a difference. Caring for hedgehogs is no mean feat and takes time, energy and patience. Luckily there’s people like Ann and Chris in the world and we are happy to name them our Hedgehog Heroes for January! 

We sat talked to the pair to find out more about how their journey began and what a typical day looks like running Poppy’s Crêche.

Hi Ann & Chris! Tell us first, how did you both become interested in hedgehogs?

Ann: I first fell in love with hedgehogs when my daughter came across some abandoned babies. I wanted to do everything I could to help and loved the idea of setting up a rescue. I did lots of research and gained qualifications so that I knew exactly how to care for hedgehogs and how to administer medication to the poorly ones. Hedgehogs can be tricky to look after and I needed to become a complete expert before setting out on my journey with Poppy’s Creche. 

What do you think is the best thing about hedgehogs?

Ann: Hedgehogs are demure and beautiful creatures and are a big part of our English heritage. They don’t ask for much from us humans and know how to take care of themselves. All they need from us is to protect the remaining wilderness so they can roam safely. 

What can we do to promote hedgehog welfare?

Ann: Start small, with your back garden! Make sure you leave a wild patch and provide a hedgehog highway if you can. It’s also worth leaving out food and water in case a passing hedgehog needs a bit of sustenance. Most importantly, spread the word about what you’re doing and try to get friends and family on board!

How did you first get involved with Poppy’s Creche?

Ann & Chris: We founded the charity as we wanted to do our bit to help. We have been rescuing and rehabilitating hundreds of hedgehogs and hoglets over the years, then releasing them back into the Suffolk wilds. 

Ann: I’ve become a specialist in raising hoglets, which isn’t easy when you have to feed them every two hours 24/7!

What does a typical day look like for you both?

Ann & Chris: Our day starts at 9am. We begin by cleaning out every in-patient’s home and supply meds to those hogs that need them. We also receive new patients throughout the day, all the while answering and returning any calls we might receive. We do a final check of all the hedgehogs before bedtime, ensuring they are all safe and sound. The patients that are in incubators often need a special bit of attention.

Ann: Hoglet season is our busiest time so I often have to take cat naps throughout the day as I’m up all night- strong coffee and the odd gin help with this. When we aren’t in lockdown, we have an amazing team of volunteers: Liz, David, Tori, Mandy, Patti, Shirley, Annette and student Deanna. 

Do you do any hedgehog fundraising?

Ann & Chris: Poppy’s Creche is entirely self-funded and is named after a very special albino hedgehog. We have some lovely donors who help out via our Amazon wishlist page and we also receive donations from Golden Giving. We are lucky to have been supported over the years by some wonderful wildlife friendly companies and small businesses that care about hedgehogs. You can also donate to our easyfundraising page here or purchase items under Amazon smile- simply select Poppy’s creche as your chosen charity and we’ll automatically receive a donation!  

Do you have any other plans for hedgehog welfare on the horizon?

Ann & Chris: We want to continue to provide the best possible care for hedgehogs that find their way to our rescue. We know how important it is to research and listen to the experts on how to care for hedgehogs properly so we will no doubt keep up to date on any new developments. Most of all, we aim to continue to spread the word on how people in the UK can do their bit for these national treasures.

What does the future look like for hedgehogs?

Ann: I do have concerns about the future of hedgehogs and I can’t stress enough how important it is for everyone to do their bit. If we can all champion hedgehog welfare and create a safe place for them in our gardens, they might have a fighting chance and reduce the need for them to arrive at the rescue. Ultimately, my wish is for my own grandchildren to enjoy seeing hedgehogs years from now! 

Hedgehog hero Catherine Jones

Not all heroes wear capes; some are just normal people, doing their bit to give the nation’s hoggies a helping hand. There are many people in the Spike’s community that go above and beyond to keep hedgehogs safe and they certainly deserve a bit of recognition for all of their hard work. We’re delighted to announce that Catherine Jones, of Rugby, has been named our Hedgehog Hero for December. Read on to find out all about her journey as a hedgehog foster carer. 

How did you first become interested in hedgehogs?

Last summer, I noticed my (very sweet and friendly) Labradoodle, Daisy, sniffing at something in the grass. As I got closer, I realised it was a hedgehog! I hadn’t seen one before and quickly googled what I should do. I left out some dog biscuits and some wet food (it was all we had) and left the hog alone. Our hedgehog kept returning and it was so exciting for me and my daughter, Violet. I started researching hedgehogs, how they live and what we can do to help them- it was at this time I realised just how vulnerable they are and I felt that I had to do something more to help rather than just feeding our new spiky friend. 

What do you think is the best thing about hedgehogs?

I LOVE their fluffy underskirts!  When you think of a hedgehog, you think of a prickly creature but they have this adorable fluff on the underside of their body. When you have the honour of seeing them up close, you realise just how beautiful and unique they are. 

What can we all do to promote hedgehog welfare?

There are so many things you can do! You can promote hedgehog highways between gardens, encourage people to leave out food and water and educate others on how vulnerable hedgehogs really are. Can you imagine if hedgehogs became extinct? How awful to think that they might and that we could have done more to save them. I think education and engagement are the most helpful things we can do, and I try to do what I can via Social Media.

How did you start your journey as a hedgehog foster carer?

I contacted Warwickshire Hedgehog Rescue online originally to see if we could act as an enclosed garden for hedgehogs following soft release. I was put in touch with a lovely lady called Lynda who runs the rescue where I live (in Rugby) and she suggested I become a foster carer instead. We have a couple of sheds in our garden and some spare guinea pig cages – Lynda came to have a look round and approved us as foster carers, and away we went!

What does a typical day look like for a foster carer?

First thing in the morning, I take a look in the shed (affectionately nicknamed ‘Hedgehog Towers’) to check everything is okay, i.e. the hogs have enough food and water. They are usually asleep at this time so I leave them in peace. At 18:00, I go in and clean out the cages, change the newspaper (that lines the cages), check their bedding isn’t too dirty and wash out their food and water bowls. I then gently and quietly lift them from their nests and weigh them to make sure that they are gaining weight at a steady rate (weight loss can be indicative of something sinister). This is when I get a little glimpse of their little wet noses- my favourite part! Sometimes my partner, Phil, helps me out- he’s the one taking the photos and videos for my Instagram, Cookies House Hedgehog Foster Care.

Do you do any fundraising to raise money for hedgehogs?

Not yet, but I run an online cross-stitch shop and am planning to design some hedgehog patterns to sell and donate 100% of the profits to our precious hedgehogs, so watch this space!

Do you have any other plans for hedgehog welfare on the horizon?

I’d love to get involved with educating and engaging others about hedgehogs and what we can all do to help them- maybe at schools. I try and do my bit by encouraging friends and family to support our local hedgehogs, but I need a bigger audience!

What do you think the future looks like for hedgehogs?

Quite frankly, it looks very bleak if we continue to destroy their habitats by building over them, trimming back the hedgerows and by continuing to pump their food (slugs, snails) full of poison. We also all need to be a lot more careful when driving, as hedgehogs are known for crossing busy roads. When so much in our lives is out of control, people need to realise how much of a difference they can make to the future of hedgehogs with small actions like leaving a small dish of water in their garden. Hedgehogs have a very tricky time of it all, but we can make a difference. There are so many people out there who dedicate their time to the protection of these animals, I hope our actions are not in vain.


Congratulations Catherine on being named our second Hedgehog Hero on behalf of the entire team here at Spike’s! If you’d like to find out more about Catherine’s journey and what it takes to be a hedgehog foster carer, you can follow her on Instagram- 

Here at Spike’s, we love learning more about hedgehogs and what they get up to. When it comes to hedgehog hibernation, there are a few things you might not know. Read on for the truth about hedgehog hibernation, so you know what to expect from the cute neighbourhood critters this winter.

Why do hedgehogs hibernate?

During spring and summer, hedgehogs survive on a diet of a range of insects, which are usually abundant when the weather is warm. When the colder months come around, it becomes harder and harder for hedgehogs to find food, so many of them hibernate to preserve energy until sustenance is more readily available. They can sleep for months at a time, as long as they have sufficient fat stores.

What happens when a hedgehog hibernates?

You might think the hoggies are just having a nice sleep, but internally, there is a lot more going on. When a hedgehog hibernates, they enter a state or dormancy or torpor and their body temperature drops to match their surroundings. This slows their bodily functions down whilst preserving energy.

When do hedgehogs hibernate?

Hibernation season is typically regarded to be the period of time between November and March. However, this is highly dependent on weather conditions and the individual hedgehog, so it’s important not to assume that all hedgehogs are fast asleep by November. If the weather is mild, hedgehogs tend to stay awake for longer so it’s still worth leaving out food and water for them.

Do all hedgehogs hibernate?

Simply, no. Not all hedgehogs hibernate. If a hedgehog is particularly well fed, it doesn’t need to preserve energy to survive the winter. Obviously, hedgehogs are wild animals and each individual hedgehog has a different set of circumstances; some don’t hibernate at all, some sleep for a couple of weeks and some sleep for months. This is also dependent on the weather as sudden drops or increases in temperature may rouse a hibernating hedgehog.

Should I still leave food out for hedgehogs during hibernation season?

As we’ve already discovered, not all hedgehogs hibernate and those that don’t may have become accustomed to tasty Spike’s hedgehog food! Even the ones that do hibernate may wake up from time to time so it’s crucial that they have readily available food on hand.

What should I do if a hedgehog is sleeping in an inconvenient place?

You shouldn’t ever try to move or rouse a sleeping hedgehog, even if the place they’ve built their nest in is inconvenient for you. If the hedgehog has built their nest in an unsafe place then call the British Hedgehog Preservation Society (BHPS) and they will give you guidance on what to do next.

What should I do if I wake a sleeping hedgehog?

If you happen to stumble upon a hibernating hedgehog this winter and accidentally rouse them from their slumber, it’s important to cover them back up with dry leaves and leave some food and water for them. Hedgehogs depend on fat stores to survive the winter so if they wake up, it’s important to have easily available nourishment to fuel them in case they decide to find another place to hibernate. Building a nest is hard work after all!

How do I encourage hedgehogs to hibernate in my garden?

Hedgehogs like to hibernate snuggled up under log piles or under piles of dry leaves. You can make your garden more hibernation friendly by letting things get a tad on the messy side. Letting your garden get a bit wild will help make conditions ideal for all different kinds of wildlife, not just hedgehogs. Remember though, if you’re trying to encourage more hedgehog visitors, always be careful if you do decide to do a bit of gardening. You never know who might be tucked up in the greenery!

Here at Spike’s, hedgehogs are very close to our hearts. We love speaking to our community and finding out the things they’re doing to promote hedgehog welfare, going out of their way to help each little hog they come across. They truly are our hedgehog heroes! 

We sat down with Justine Dixon, and her 84-year-old mother Fay, to find out more about their efforts and their love of hedgehogs. Together they help fundraise for local rescue centre, Pricklington Palace, by creating useful packs that include: helpful guides on hedgehog care, hedgehog food and adorable knitted hedgehogs (knitted by Fay herself!).

When did your love of hedgehogs begin?

Justine: I’ve loved hedgehogs for as long as I can remember. When I was a child there were so many more about than there are today and I always enjoyed seeing them! In the last five years, they’ve needed a lot of help from us, so I’ve become heavily involved in fundraising for local rescue centres. 

What is your favourite thing about hedgehogs?

Justine & Fay: We really love the way hedgehogs snuffle around the garden, foraging for food. They’re the cutest little animals, with so many interesting quirks. 

How did you get the idea to start knitting hedgehogs?

Fay: I’ve always knitted for our local church and so I offered to knit some hedgehogs to help with the fundraising efforts. My daughter Googled some hedgehog patterns and the rest is history! People seem to really like them and I’m very pleased about that.

What areas of hedgehog care do you focus on in your useful guides?

Justine: All our guidance is based on the information provided by the British Hedgehog Preservation Society and our local rescue centre. The information includes: what you should and shouldn’t feed a hedgehog, how to make them a feeding station, how to make your garden hedgehog friendly, and more. 

How should the public approach a hedgehog?

Justine & Fay: It’s important to keep in mind that hedgehogs are wild animals and need to be respected as such. Even though we have a lot of experience dealing with hedgehogs, we don’t handle them unless it’s absolutely necessary. Make sure you respect a hedgehog’s boundaries as they aren’t used to humans. 

How did you come into contact with Pricklington Palace?

Justine: Pricklington Palace opened its doors roughly four years ago near Howden (East Yorkshire). There previously wasn’t a rescue centre in the area so both my mother and I were really pleased about this. It’s entirely funded by donations so we were determined to do our part to help out. I personally run Hook Gardening Club, so I used this platform to collect donations from the local community. Pricklington Palace is run by a lovely lady called Gill Dixon (no relation!) and we invited Gill to our club to give a talk on hedgehog welfare. We have been donating ever since and have developed a strong working relationship over the years. 

What advice would you give to those that wish to promote hedgehog welfare?

Fay & Justine: It’s important not to over-tidy your garden! Hedgehogs love overgrown shrubs and bushes as it provides them a safe place to hide from predators or to nest. Make sure you avoid all pesticides (as these can kill hedgehogs) and make an effort to regularly provide fresh food and water. You can also create a hedgehog highway in the gaps of your fences to provide a route for hedgehogs to get in and out of your garden.

What steps can the general public make to promote hedgehog welfare?

Fay & Justine: If you see a hedgehog out and about during the day this is not a good sign and the hedgehog probably needs help. Ring your local rescue centre or vet to ask for advice on what to do next.

In your opinion what does the future look like for hedgehogs? 

Justine: Sadly, hedgehogs have become endangered due to loss of habitat and food over the years. That is exactly why it’s so important to protect the hedgehogs we have left in the UK and do our bit to promote their welfare! We can all make a difference in a small way while they’re still snuffling around our gardens.

What do you like about Spike’s as a brand?

Justine & Fay: We like Spike’s as it’s high in quality and hedgehogs seem to love it. Cats don’t seem to be interested in eating it so hedgehogs don’t need to worry about battling it out for their dinner!

Want to be featured in our Hedgehog Heroes series? Connect with us on social media and tell us your hedgehog stories!